Red-throated Loon
The surprise of the day was a Red-throated Loon on the reservoir this afternoon. About two thirds of the reservoir is still covered with ice, so the Loon was closer to the shoreline than normal making for great looks.

The surprise of the day was a Red-throated Loon on the reservoir this afternoon. About two thirds of the reservoir is still covered with ice, so the Loon was closer to the shoreline than normal making for great looks.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are migrating through the city and it’s a pleasure to watch them. How something that small, can be so fast, amazes me even after years of watching them.
A Bald Eagle and other wildlife from Bar Harbor, Maine.
Washington Square Park was full of birders after a beautiful male Kentucky Warbler this afternoon. After photographing the Kentucky, I watched the nest briefly. I saw my first wing flap from the eyass, a great sign of things to come.
Blue Jays alerted me to an Eastern Whip-Poor-Will about 50 feet south of the waterfall at The Pond near Sixth Avenue around 62nd. It was a fun find on a damp day.
I got to see glimpses of at least on eyass in the Tompkins Square Park nest this evening, along with a Red-breasted Nuthatch. For such a small park, there is amazing number of good birds.