Category: Other Birds
Evodia Feeders Indirectly Feed A Cooper’s Hawk
Located in Central Park’s Ramble, the Evodia Field has the only sanctioned bird feeders in the park. They are supported by great volunteers. Indirectly, they end up feeding one or two Cooper’s Hawks who enjoy the buffet of sparrows and similarly sized birds during the winter. One young Cooper’s Hawk in particular is enjoying the easy pickings this Fall.

The Pond
The Pond had the Mandarin Duck, who had returned, but also had an unusual visitor for so late in the year, a Juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron. As a birder, the Heron won. As a photographer, the Mandarin Duck won. So, I guess it was a tie.

Cedar Waxwings
South of Sparrow Rock and across the West Drive there was a flock of at least 45 Cedar Waxwings eating berries this afternoon. The Cedar Waxwing is a beautiful bird and it was great to watch a flock this large.

New York City’s Most Famous Escapee
The male Mandarin Duck continues to be New York City’s most famous escapee. Even the discovery that he spends time in New Jersey hasn’t tarnished his reputation. Lucky for him he doesn’t have to take PATH or NJ Transit!