Yellow-billed Cuckoo
The spring migration is winding down but there are still some fun birds to be found in the park, including this Yellow-billed Cuckoo in the northern end of Central Park.

The spring migration is winding down but there are still some fun birds to be found in the park, including this Yellow-billed Cuckoo in the northern end of Central Park.
On my last Linnaean Society of New York Central Park walk of the spring 2019 season, one of the stops was Warbling Vireo nest. It is in a tree about 100 feet east of the Maintenance Building in the Ramble. It looks like it was getting finishing before being used this year.
Thanks to Tod Winston and his Audubon New York City bird walk group, many birders got to hear and see a Golden-winged Warbler on Tuesday.
An Indigo Bunting was at the Evodia Field Feeders in the Ramble of Central Park today and yesterday. Usually a tough bird to find in the park, this one was easy to watch as it ate bird seed from a feeder.
Joe DiCostanzo identified a White-winged Dove at the Evodia Feeders of Central Park this afternoon among a group of Mourning Doves. The bird is usually seen in the far south. While it is seen along the Northeast Coast up through Maine and into Canada on rare occasions, it may be the first recorded sighting for Manhattan. Great birding Joe!
American Woodcocks have been migrating through New York City this past week. I caught up with one on Saturday in the Ramble of Central Park. It was doing it’s best to stay hidden, which it did an excellent job of doing!