North Woods
In the Loch at the waterfall near the rustic bridge, in Central Park, there was a Yellow-breasted Chat. While we waited a young Red-tailed Hawk made an appearance.
In the Loch at the waterfall near the rustic bridge, in Central Park, there was a Yellow-breasted Chat. While we waited a young Red-tailed Hawk made an appearance.
After the ran stopped on Sunday, I took more photographs of the Union Square Saltmarsh Sparrow. It was still there today, Tuesday. If you go looking for it be aware that is hides anywhere from 30-60 minutes and then forages on the southeastern most lawn for about 10-30 minutes. Hopefully it will continue for a few more days.
Alex Tey found a Saltmarsh Sparrow in Union Square Park today. Rare for Manhattan, it was totally unexpected to be seen in Union Square. Thanks to the great network New York City Birders have, at least 50 birders got to see this wonderful sparrow. It was a life bird for me. This October, I’ve gotten to see three new sparrows, Grasshopper, Lark and now Saltmarsh.
My 201st bird for Central Park was a Lark Sparrow today. It had been found yesterday afternoon, and was seen again this morning. It was then refound by Kellie Quinones in the afternoon. Rare on the east coast, and especially rare for Central Park, it was a fantastic bird to see as it ate grass seeds by a soccer goal. It was hanging out with two Dark-eyed Juncos. The fun was interrupted by an American Kestrel on the hunt. Luckily, none of the birds we were watching became a meal.
On Saturday, a very cooperative Tennessee Warbler was easily photographed in the Wildflower Meadow in the North End of Central Park. What a stunning warbler! (The video is at half speed to make it easier to watch the warbler.)
A Grasshopper Sparrow was at the Oven in Central Park’s Ramble today. It is a bird normally found in grasslands, and rarely seen in the park. It either gave birders great looks or was very difficult to see. I was lucky to get some great views of the bird.