Green-winged Teals

This winter there has been a female Green-winged Teal on the northern water bodies of Central Park.  She was first seen on the Harlem Meer, then the Reservoir and then on The Pool.  Two days ago, I saw a Green-winged Teal on The Lake.  Yesterday, I saw both a male and female Green-winged Teal together on the small island by Bow Bridge on the Lake.

The pair moved to the Reservoir along with about a hundred birds when the Urban Park Rangers launched a kayak onto the lake to search for the Common Merganser trapped in the plastic ring.  (The merganser could not be found on Tuesday despite a diligent search.)  Today, the pair was seen on The Pool.


Common Merganser

Sadly, a Common Merganser is on The Lake in Central Park with a plastic band wrapped in its mouth and neck.  It looks like the ring to a wide mouth beverage container.  The Urban Park Rangers have tried to trap the bird over the last two days without success.  Let’s hope they are able to net the bird soon.


Graylag Goose (possible Graylag Goose x Swan Goose Hybrid)

A Graylag Goose, which has been seem for at least a week on the Reservoir was on The Lake of Central Park today.  The spotted black/yellow bill coloration and white feathers around the bill, suggest that it is most likely a Graylag Goose x Swan Goose Hybrid.  The bird is most likely an escapee from a poultry farm.

We used to have a number of Domestic Duck/Mallard hybrids on The Pond and The Meer and we had the Mandarin Duck last winter.  So, another hybrid is just par for the course I guess.

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From December to January

Two wonderful birds, seen in December have stayed for the New Year in the north of Central Park.  An immature Red-Headed Woodpecker at 98th and the West Drive and a Green-Winged Teal, which was first seen on the Harlem Meer, rediscovered on the Reservoir on the Christmas Bird Count, and is now hanging out on the The Pool at 102nd Street.  It is nice they have stayed. 

They aren’t rare birds for the New York area, but they are infrequent visitors to Central Park.  So, it’s nice to be able to have more than just a brief look at them both.  The woodpecker continues to dig out cavities and cache acorns, while the teal, seems happy to hang out with the Mallards.