Chimney Swifts

It looks like the Chimney Swift roost on Fifth Avenue now has double or triple the number of swifts going to roost nightly then in August. I suspect we have a mix of local and migrating swifts now. No mater how many times I watch them drop into the chimney, I still am amazed at how they all seem to get sucked in as though there’s a vacumn.

Blue Grosbeak

I visited Governors Island on Saturday, given the concert in Central Park. Its a nice place to bird and has a very nice community of birders. And on Saturdays through the end of October, NYC Audubon has a 2:00pm bird walk, with a nice mix of beginning and intermediate birders.

After the walk, along with some other birders, we birded Fort Jay, and found a very nice female type, Blue Grosbeak.

2021 944 Fifth Avenue Chimney Swifts

Chimney Swifts are continuing to use the 944 Fifth Avenue chimney to roost this year. I caught up with them last night from the “hawk bench” at the model boat pond. The video doesn’t do justice to the experience of watching them go to roost in person. It’s amazing to watch them make multiple passes of the chimney and then finally dive right in.