Cambria, California
I’m on vacation visiting family and enjoying the central California coast. I had a great day watching sea mammals, including Harbor Seals, Elephant Seals and Sea Otters.

I’m on vacation visiting family and enjoying the central California coast. I had a great day watching sea mammals, including Harbor Seals, Elephant Seals and Sea Otters.
I was in L.A. for Easter but made a side trip to whale watch around the Channel Islands on Good Friday. Lots of great wildlife, including Brown Boobies, Spotted Harbor Seals, Sea Lions, Dolphins, Brown Pelicans, Fin and Gray Whales.
Another treat on my trip to Costa Rica was a troop of White-headed Capuchin Monkeys.
I’ve been in Panama and Costa Rica on vacation this last week. I had a great time and got to see lots of great animals including a one in a lifetime view of a Puma.
On the last day of the trip, we saw a few Three-toed Sloths.
On a very hot evening, I looked for the sick fledgling in Central Park without success. But I did have some fun watching two raccoons play at dusk.