Darien Osprey
I spent the weekend in Darien, Connecticut and got to photograph an Osprey nest, I’ve been following for years. The pair is brooding and looks to be doing well.
I spent the weekend in Darien, Connecticut and got to photograph an Osprey nest, I’ve been following for years. The pair is brooding and looks to be doing well.
I’m in California visiting family for Holy Week, and got to see chicks in the Peregrine Falcon nest along the California coast, just south of San Francisco at Devil’s slide. A new camera, which I don’t fully know how to use and a small lens made it hard to photograph them, but I did get some images.
The first image is of Egg Rock, home to a rookery of Common Murres, which the Peregrines raid to feed their young.
I’m on vacation and can’t help share pictures of this cute Sea Otter near Monterey, California.
This winter Snowy Owls have been spotted along the sea coast of New York City and Long Island this winter. I love watching them from a distance. If you are interested in seeing a Snowy Owl, read up on the special care needed to watch these great birds before you go out to see one.
I was worried about this owl getting disturbed by people, but it and two other owls nearby managed to get spooked by a large four engine jet coming in low to land at JFK.
The Osprey platform out in Scot Cove in Darien, Connecticut only had one chick this year. Nevertheless, it was fun going out to watch the family for a third year.
Today, I got to watch two lovely Peregrine Falcon Fledglings, on the Precipice Cliffs, at Acadia National Park in Maine. The had fledged a few day earlier. They clearly aren’t Urban Hawks, but were fun to watch just the same!