86th and West End Feeding

I keep hoping that the young Peregrine Falcons will begin to explore the ledges of the church tower, but I think I’m a few days too early.

Photographers working on a documentary reported seeing three chicks today from a nearby roof top, which is great news. No one has a full view of the eyrie through the tower’s arches, so there’s a chance that their might even be a fourth.

I watched the parents from the street, and got to see the adult male clean the feather’s off a Rock Pigeon, deliver it to the nest, and then swap places with the adult female. The young falcons made lots of noise when the food was delivered.

I’m looking forward to a fun June!

American Woodcock and Osprey

I was away for about a week in Florida at a family reunion, so I missed the Barred Owl and two Great Horned Owls that had been in the Ramble of Central Park. On the off chance they might have still been around, I went to look for them without success.

However, I did get to see an American Woodcock and thanks to the kindness of Charlotte Khoo, who came and found me to tell me about it an Osprey perched in a tree by Balancing Rock, just up the path from the Loeb Boathouse.