California Osprey
Down the road from our vacation house was a nature walk in a state park. This Osprey flew in, landed and then left after about twenty minutes.
Down the road from our vacation house was a nature walk in a state park. This Osprey flew in, landed and then left after about twenty minutes.
While in California, I saw my first White-tailed Kite. I had difficulty taking photographs, but it was a life bird for me none the less. The bird had great hovering abilities and stayed north of the Peregrines territory.
Two young Peregrine Falcons were spending time on the cliff below the house we rented on the Pacific coast. The larger of the two was always crying, while the smaller was quiet as can be. It was just amazing to wake up to the sound of a Peregrine in the morning.
The Broadway Bridge Peregrine Falcon family can be difficult to watch, since the bridge has two towers. This makes it difficult to see everyone at once and figure out how many there are.
Luckily, after a rainstorm early Saturday evening all five could easily be counted and identified. While I was there one of the parents feed one of the youngsters. The parents don’t bring the fledglings their food, but instead make them chase them and make them catch the food in mid-flight. It’s amazing to watch. (The 1 train prevented me from taking photographs of the feeding unfortunately.)
I went up to Inwood Hill looking for the two fledglings, but could only find one of the parents. Reports are that both fledglings have been exploring the park, and spent most of the week getting mobbed by smaller birds. I hope to have better luck next weekend.
On the way back, I passed by Broadway Bridge. I saw both parents, and one of the fledglings. This is a fun site, since you can see the birds from the Number 1 train platform. Only in New York City.
The evening started slow with the eyasses asleep, and no one in sight. Then an American Kestrel was heard, who dove repeatedly at one of the parents. Afterwards, there was one active eyas in view before I needed to take off for the evening.