Merlin On Halloween
The pictures and video are of poor quality, but the find was exciting. A Merlin was on top of a water tower on Central Park at 111th Street. This small falcon was a fun find on a cold afternoon.

The pictures and video are of poor quality, but the find was exciting. A Merlin was on top of a water tower on Central Park at 111th Street. This small falcon was a fun find on a cold afternoon.
I’ve been away on weekends, and it’s too dark in the late afternoon to visit Riverside Park after work, so I haven’t been able to visit until this Saturday.
While I was away I received reports of the youngster being at the ballfields by the dumpsters south of the Boat Basin, and further north in the 90’s and 100’s. The youngster’s being outside of the parent’s territory is a great sign that it’s growing up!
When I visited Saturday, I only found the two parents. They were together on a water tower at 81st and Riverside, and both few off towards the south. I found one, perching on various lamp posts above the highway.
I went looking for the youngster, without any luck. As I left the park, I saw a bird perched on a building at 90th and Broadway. I was hoping it was the youngster, but found that it was a Peregrine Falcon, a nice consolation prize.
I also visited Croton Point Park on Saturday. On the landfill cap, there were a pair of Northern Harriers and at least two American Kestrels.
I visited the Rockefeller Preserve on Saturday and got to see a fun American Kestrel vs. Red-tailed Hawk show. It was all about territory protection. The Kestrel was protecting its family’s territory. The family seemed to be two adults and two juveniles.
The Riverside Church Peregrine Falcons don’t seem to have fledged yet. Word is that there are four young Falcon’s this year. I was able to see at least two of the youngsters and both parents on a visit to the church Saturday evening.
A lot happened in Manhattan this past week:
Broadway Bridge Peregrines: Bonnie Talluto confirms the two eyasses are now fledglings.
Inwood Hill Park: Diane Schenker reports the nest has hatched. She can see at least one eyass, but can’t get a good count yet.
Highbridge Park: Mitchell Nusbaum reports the nest has fledged.
St. John the Divine: The surviving nestling fledged on Friday.
Riverside Park: The pair is sitting on their second clutch.
55 Water Street Peregrines: They’ve all fledged.