The Century Peregrine Falcons
The young Peregrine Falcons on Central Park West are big enough to see finally. I saw two of them on Saturday and both the parents. My understanding is there might be a third youngster.

The young Peregrine Falcons on Central Park West are big enough to see finally. I saw two of them on Saturday and both the parents. My understanding is there might be a third youngster.
The pair of Peregrine Falcons nesting on the The Century on lower Central Park West supposedly have three chicks this year. I studied them for an hour and only saw signs of a parent. I suspect I’ll need to make a number of visits to see the youngsters.
Tonight, I saw Pale Male and Octavia who were keeping their eyes on an Accipiter. In the park, I was sure it was a Sharp-shinned Hawk, but looking at my photographs it might have been a Cooper’s Hawk.
With the days getting longer, the two adult hawks seem to be spending more time together. Intruders to the park today included a juvenile Red-tailed hawk, a Cooper’s Hawk and a rare visitor, a Merlin.
On my last visit to Darien, I counted three chicks, but now that they are larger, it’s clear there are four. The nest was very busy with lots of feedings.
There was also an interesting “sponge bath” of grass, that the mother brought up to the nest as well. Plus there was an intruder Osprey who made a half-hearted attempt to steal a fish from the nest.