American Kestrels on top of Greenwich House

On Barrow Street in Greenwich Village is a building called Greenwich House. I got an email that an Adult Red-tailed Hawks and a fledgling had been there for five days. So, of course I made a visit.

When I arrived I saw an adult pair of American Kestrels and one juvenile female. It’s unclear if I just didn’t see the Red-tailed Hawks, my timing was off or if there had been an I.D. problem. Hopefully, I’ll have a chance to have a few more looks to figure out what’s up.

El Dorado Peregrine Falcons

The single Peregrine Falcon that I saw for most of the winter has been seen with a mate for a few weeks. I’ve had two friends tell me the news, and I saw what was most likely this pair flying around the Annenburg Building of Mount Sinai but this was the first time I saw them perched.

One was at the base of the top most portion of the North Tower, and one was on the AC unit they like to use to eat.

Neighborhood Watch With The Barred Owl

Tonight the Barred Owl used the time after fly out to do a “neighborhood watch” and investigate two roosting raptors, a Cooper’s Hawk and a Red-tailed Hawk. The juvenile Cooper’s Hawk decided to fly out of its Spruce tree roost, but the Red-tailed Hawk stayed put. After investigating the neighbors, the owl went back to its normal woods. Sadly, these encounters were impossible to photograph.

Central Barred Owl And Other Raptors

While I wasn’t able to film the encounters, I tonight was the first time I noticed the Barred Owl investigating roosting hawks. It stopped by a roosting Cooper’s Hawk, who I heard call. And then I saw it in the same tree of a Red-tailed Hawk who also called.

The evening was also the conjuction of Jupiter and Saturn, which I was able to watch from the top of the path near the Polish Statue around 80th Street.