More Fifth Avenue
I spent most of the weekend bird watching, so I only shot about 15 minutes of hawks over the last two days. I did get to see the Fifth Avenue nest on Sunday afternoon.

I spent most of the weekend bird watching, so I only shot about 15 minutes of hawks over the last two days. I did get to see the Fifth Avenue nest on Sunday afternoon.
Tonight, Pale Male and Octavia, plus their three eyasses were on view for most of the evening. So much fun to watch all of them.
Three eyasses (young hawks) were viable in the Fifth Avenue nest today. Nice to see a full house on Fifth Avenue. Pale Male gave Ocatavia a brief break late in the afternoon. I think the video and photographs say more than anything I could write…
Tonight I spend the evening looking for warblers, but made a brief visit to the Fifth Avenue nest and caught Octavia feeding her eyasses. They’re still too little to see and count but it’s great to know they’re in the nest.
Pale Male and his new mate have new offspring. Food was brought to the nest on Saturday evening and feeding began on Saturday. Today, I watched a feeding and a number of visits by Pale Male. We’ll know how many eyasses there are within the week.