Octavia’s Head
The Fifth Avenue nest is so mature and built up, Octavia is almost invisible on the nest. When I visited during a break in the rain on Sunday, you could only see the top of her head!

The Fifth Avenue nest is so mature and built up, Octavia is almost invisible on the nest. When I visited during a break in the rain on Sunday, you could only see the top of her head!
Octavia and Pale Male have eggs and this means a limited about of action at the nest site. Octavia gets a few breaks during the day, rolls her eggs and changes positions. But you can watch the nest for an hour and see next to nothing. This was the case when I visited the nest on Saturday.
Octavia, Pale Male’s mate has been sitting on the Fifth Avenue nest since Sunday. A female Red-tailed Hawk can sit on the nest for a few days before laying an egg, so I can’t say for sure an egg has already been laid. But Ocatavia certainly looks to have started the process for the season.
Pale Male and Octavia continue to get their nest ready and were seen copulating today, so eggs can’t be too far off. If they behave like last year, I suspect eggs will be laid in the second half of March.
With egg laying on the horizon, Pale Male and Octavia are spending time tidying up the nest for this year’s nesting season. It was a productive day watching them and they were all around the park including the Beresford Apartments, many Fifth Avenue buildings and various trees on Cedar Hill.
Winter is going out like a lion. We’ve had snow storm after snow storm. But a sign spring is coming soon was seeing Pale Male and his mate in their nest today. Eggs should come sometime in March, only a few weeks away.