Fifth Avenue on Thursday
I’ve gotten behind in processing photos and video over the last few days. These are pictures of the Fifth Avenue nest from Thursday evening.
I’ve gotten behind in processing photos and video over the last few days. These are pictures of the Fifth Avenue nest from Thursday evening.
The eyasses at Fifth Avenue are getting big enough that a visit to the nest is a rewarding visit even without watching a feeding. I had a lot of fun watching them this evening.
The two eyasses at Fifth Avenue are getting bigger. They’ve now easy to see at feedings. This weekend should be a great time to come visit the nest.
After bird watching in Central Park on Friday and Saturday, I made visits to the Fifth Avenue nest. The two eyasses have gotten large enough that they are seen frequently from the “hawk bench.”
While it’s still possible we’ll discover that there is a third eyass in the Fifth Avenue nest, for now it looks like we have two. Pale Male was on the nest when I arrived and left to return for a brief visit an hour later. The youngsters are being very well looked after.
I visited the Fifth Avenue nest on Sunday evening and got to see two eyasses being fed by Octavia. There’s always a chance that there is a third, younger eyass still too small to be seen.