Another Fifth Avenue Feeding
Saturday was just another enjoyable day at the Fifth Avenue hawk bench. Three eyasses being fed by their mother.

Saturday was just another enjoyable day at the Fifth Avenue hawk bench. Three eyasses being fed by their mother.
This evening I got to see the eyasses, Octavia and Pale Male. Pale Male caught a pigeon and spent thirty minutes plucking it before delivering it to the nest. Octavia returned to the nest after the food drop, but was not in a rush to feed the eyasses.
This evening, after doing a little birding, I watched a feeding at the Fifth Avenue nest. It’s wonderful to see a predator be so gentle with her offspring.
I sat on the “hawk bench” on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the view of the Pale Male and Octavia’s nest, as well as the many observers of the nest. After all these years, the nest continues to delight tourists and locals alike.
The eyasses on Fifth Avenue are easily seen and are doing a good job of moving around the nest. They were lots of fun to watch today.
The colder weather made for a quiet day on Pale Male and Octavia’s nest. However, there were a large number of migrates, including a Least Bittern (a small heron) and Red-headed Woodpecker.