On Saturday, at dusk those watching the Barred Owl got a special treat. A Cooper’s Hawk came in and harassed the Barred Owl. There was calling by both birds, which included the strange Cooper’s Hawk sounds. After this the Barred Owl went to a low branch giving everyone great looks.
The Barred Owl watchers were well behaved and kept quiet. All of a sudden we and the owl heard loud clapping. It turns out that while we were looking at the owl, an Italian couple got engaged! It is Central Park not a nature preserve, so other things do happen!
The fun continued as the Barred Owl flew to an Oak Tree and went after squirrels. It didn’t seem to get them, but they are in its view all day so I guess it’s worth a try. I’ve seen a Great Horned Owl exhibit similar behavior. So, just when I think I understand the fly out behavior, the owl or in this case a Cooper’s Hawk mixes things up.