I entered the park at 103rd and Central Park West.
The Pool and the Loch were quiet, but there was noise to the south, so I went to the north edge of the North Meadow. Two adult hawks appeared. One went north out of sight and the other circled overhead.This hawk may be the St. John the Divine female, but I can’t be certain. It flew south down to about 90th.The hawk moved from tree to tree, not settling in for more than ten minutes per branch.Blue Jays were making it difficult to find peace and quiet. The hawk looked to be hunting rodents along the west park wall, so I left to avoid interfering.I walked along the Reservoir, through the Pinetum, and down the Locust Grove. In the Locust there were a number of squirrels making alarm calls. Fifty feet away in a tree on the Great Lawn was the cause, Pale Male.He had been in the same tree for most of the afternoon.Before moving to another tree that had the last bit of sunlight.Lola was in her usual spot on the Beresford.