Nesting Barn Swallows

The summer months in Central Park can be slow for birding. Spring migrants are long gone and fall migrants don’t arrive until mid-August. So, my attention shifts to our nesting birds and their fledglings.

The reservoir has been fairly quiet although there have been two highlights. A group of Laughing Gulls that have been cruising around the edge of the reservoir and nesting Barn Swallows.

The nesting Barn Swallows are concentrated around the smaller, northern gatehouse. This year, most of the nests are under arches on the south side of the gatehouse and are out of view. But one of them is under a balcony on the south side and can be seen from the NE corner of the larger northern gatehouse.

The view isn’t great but you can see the parents feeding and sitting on the nest. The chicks are too small to see just yet, but they grow quickly and I hope to see them in a few days.