My New Year’s resolution is to do a little more birding and a little less photography during the non-nesting/fledgling period for hawks. (Basically the months outside of April, May, June and July.)
So today, I just went for a long walk around Central Park today with my scope and took an occasional digiscoping picture. My bird count 39 species. The highlight was seeing two Baltimore Orioles.
Count | Species | |
81 | Canada Goose | |
2 | Wood Duck | |
41 | Mallard | |
1 | American Black Duck x Mallard (hybrid) | |
37 | Northern Shoveler | |
1 | Ring-necked Duck | |
8 | Bufflehead | |
9 | Hooded Merganser | |
10 | Ruddy Duck | |
4 | Pied-billed Grebe | |
1 | Sharp-shinned Hawk | |
1 | Cooper’s Hawk | |
3 | Red-tailed Hawk | |
5 | American Coot | |
18 | Ring-billed Gull | |
6 | Great Black-backed Gull | |
23 | Rock Pigeon | |
1 | Mourning Dove | |
1 | Red-bellied Woodpecker | |
2 | Downy Woodpecker | |
1 | Hairy Woodpecker | |
11 | Blue Jay | |
1 | American Crow | |
2 | Black-capped Chickadee | |
2 | White-breasted Nuthatch | |
1 | Brown Creeper | |
1 | Carolina Wren | |
2 | American Robin | |
1 | Northern Mockingbird | |
4 | European Starling | |
1 | Song Sparrow | |
28 | White-throated Sparrow | |
8 | Dark-eyed Junco | |
2 | Northern Cardinal | |
1 | Red-winged Blackbird | |
6 |
Common Grackle | |
2 | Baltimore Oriole | |
11 | House Finch | |
8 | American Goldfinch | |
23 | House Sparrow |