Although it started to rain while I was in the Meadow, I got some great views of the two eyasses. In addition to a feeding, I got to see the mother attend to a number of pin feathers on one of the eyasses.
Unfortunately, the day was interrupted by a Conservancy employee who was insistent that my tripod was in some way damaging the Sheep Meadow lawn. A quick phone call to the park’s Directory of Community Relations ( resolved the matter.
Unfortunately other photographers weren’t so lucky earlier in the week. They had been forced to stop photographing the hawks by other Conservancy employees.
The behavior of these employees proved to me that there is a systemic bias against photographers in the Central Park Conservancy that flows from senior management down to the most junior employees.
When this ends up in court, which at this point I’m almost certain it will, it’s going to be fun watching the Conservancy try and prove that a camera tripod with a DSLR and attached telephoto lens could do any damage to the Sheep Meadow lawn. If the lawn is that fragile, no one should be allowed to picnic on it!