I spent less than an hour watching the 350 Central Park West nest on Friday.
It was a great birding day for the park, so hawks took a backseat. I saw 53 species. It helped that ended the day birding with Nadir Souirgi’s New York City Audubon Birding Tour of the North Woods, which leaves from 103rd and Central Park West, at 5:30 p.m. Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays during migration. It’s free and Nadir is an excellent birder and walk leader. Details are on the New York City Audubon, www.nycaudubon.org website.
While I was at the nest not much happened. The female stood up with her lower chest near the eyasses for most of the time. This is another sign that all of the eggs have hatched and brooding is over.