On Saturday, the 2nd Annual Shorebird Festival at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge was held. It was a joint presentation of NYC Audubon and the American Littoral Society. About 80 birders were in attendance.
The group out on the East Pond.Kevin Karlson led the walk and gave a lecture in the afternoon. His latest book is about birding by impression – size, and shape rather than field marks. It is a good method, but I’ll need to buy his book to get the hang of it.Here he talked about using body size to differentiate between a Greater and Lesser Yellow Legs.I’m too new to get my shorebird I.D.s correct but here are some pictures to enjoy.Semipalmated PoverWilson’s Phalarope (Immature)Wilson’s Phalarope (Immature)Wilson’s Phalarope (Immature)Wilson’s Phalarope (Immature)Wilson’s Phalarope (Immature)Wilson’s Phalarope (Immature)MerlinMerlinMerlinEastern PhoebeEastern Phoebe’s flip side