This will be my last report of the year, and possibly my last nest update ever. When I started this blog, my intent was to increase awareness about Red-tailed Hawks in the city. That’s happened. Everyone now knows it’s not just Pale Male and his family anymore. And social media is getting the news out faster than I can on my own. So, I suspect you’ll see a more casual blog in years to come.
Don’t worry, I’ll still be reporting on hawks in the city. I just won’t be following the Manhattan nests so closely. The Wildlife group of the NYC Parks Department is now monitoring nests in the city very comprehensively, with a network of volunteers throughout the city. If you’re interested in Red-tails, I suggest you volunteer to monitor a section of the city.
Not much has changed in the last few weeks, except I learned there was no sign of the Randall’s Island pair this year. The nests that succeeded have all fledged and the only real question mark is if the Inwood Hill Park nest had any fledglings.