One of the two eyasses has fledged at Columbia’s John Jay Hall. It was on the NE corner of Butler Library on the lower section of the roof that circles the building.
I couldn’t find the fledgling at first. I heard Bluejays calling from Amsterdam Avenue and went to see if the fledgling was east of the nest. On my way out a guard told me bird were calling from Mount Sinai Morningside. When I got out to the avenue, I found the parents on St. John the Divine being harassed by an American Kestrel. I looked some more but didn’t find the fledgling.
I went back to the nest, and heard mobbing coming from a Ginkgo Tree at the northeast corner of the Butler Library. Then all of a sudden, the fledgling appeared into view. It must have been on the roof all along. It looked to have found a good place to fledge!